Consistency – Steadfast adherence to the same principle, course, form,
a firmness in what you believe.
Every business, every leader, every organization, all have something that they do well. Something they always do. They walk in the principle of consistency. What is consistency?
Abraham is called the father of many nations, and knew how to operate in consistency. Let’s look at Hebrews 6:13-15, Abraham received the promise of God by being consistent in what he believed. He waited long and endured patiently.
Now waiting long and enduring patiently is not like waiting for a long time, in a long line, at lunch time, at your favorite fast food joint. Waiting while the 2 people behind the counter are more interested in discussing what their plans are for the weekend than taking your order. No, the waiting here, means that while you are waiting for the promise, you are doing the will of God. Calling someone that God told you to call and say God loves you. Picking someone up for church or helping someone out who’s in a bind. Buying food for someone who had a need. Waiting on God is waiting on, or serving others.
Former Super Bowl championship coach, and author of the book Uncommon, Tony Dungy, said, “Start with Matthew 6:33, Seek first His kingdom.” Take a few moments to be quiet and spend time with God. He will lessen your worries about tomorrow and release you from the breathless pace of the world’s urgent priorities. Dedicating a few hours of your time for the priorities God has entrusted to you, may not seem significant right now. But to those who need you, it could make all the difference in their lives, and yours.
Consistency does not give room for retreat, but creates room for advancement. Hebrews 10:35-39, staying consistent in our conviction, our principle in God, builds our faith causing us to advance and see the promise of God in our lives.
Don’t lose your consistency! Don’t let the little hidden things keep you from reaching you consistency and receiving the promise of God. 1 Corinthians 5:5-7
Clean out any and all sin that stops you from being consistent to cry out to God. Ask Him to take them from you. Cast down wrong thoughts, turn loose wrong desires, so you can be consistent in the things you do for God and others.
God loves you and so do I
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