Thursday, February 10, 2011

One more night with the frogs

In Exodus chapter 8 we seen that when Pharoah refused to let God's people go so God curse the land with an Gang of Frogs. These frogs not only covered the entire land, but in there houses there food and even in there beds. When our addictions over run our lives the effects touch every area of our lives including family and love ones.   What are the frogs in your life. Pornography, meth, drinking, anger or the love of money.What ever your Frog may be the time is now to get rid of the frog. Don't be like Pharoah in verse 10 after moses ask Pharoah" When would you like me to ask the Lord to removed these frogs from your land." And Pharoah said: Tomorrow!  Today is the day of salvation, tomorrow is not promised. Ask God to remove those frogs out of your life today so you wouldn't spend one more night with the frogs. (Tomorrow) God loves you and so do I.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can dig it. I didnt know you had a blog Deryl. Its like Saturday morning back at P-house all over again. Thanks for posting this.