Friday, June 17, 2011


Ok, I like Nascar. Not enough to call myself a fan, but I know most of the drivers and how the point system works. Now with last years' point system, if you had enough top 10 finishes, including wins, you stood a better chance of winning the overall championship than if you had winsbut no top 10 finishes. For example, last year, Denny Hamlin won more Spirit Cup races, 10 total, than any other driver. But Jimmy Johnson, who had the second most with 9, had more top 10 finishes in the series and playoff than Hamlin. Jimmy Johnson became a 5 time champion. Hamlin won more races, but johnson won the overall championship. So who was in the lead?     That's a question we need to ask ourselves every morning before we let our feet hit the floor. Every morning when I wake up, there a war going on inside of me, between God and the devil, both trying to gain influence in my thoughts, actions and emotions. But thank God, years ago I made Jesus christ the Lord and Savior of my life. So the devil may try to gain ground or win in areas of my life, but God the overall lead in my life. Psalm 5:8 "Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies; make your way straight before my face." Giving God total access to your life lets him lead your life.  If you're in the lead postion of your life, you're heading for a crash. In Nascar, every driver has a crew chief. The crew chief leads the crew and sits up high off the track to see the overall race. It's gives him an advantage in seeing the whats going on on the track so he can relay information to the driver, keeping the driver from getting into trouble or crashing. So too,the Lord operates as the crew chief in our lives. He sits up high to see the big picture of the race of our lives. He leads us out of the dangers and obstacles of our life. Psalm 23:2 " He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters." If we don't let the crew chief, Jesus lead us in the race of our lives....crash and burn, our lives will be. If your running out of gas, don't panic. GET TO THE PIT! If a driver is in the race but begins to experience trouble with his car, he gets to the pit to see the "pit crew". The pit crew does everything to get the car restored and running right from gas to new tires to taking out the dents or even getting the driver something cold to drink. Jesus does the same thing for us. Psalm 23:3 " He restore my soul, He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name sake." Joel 2:25 "So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, and the chewing locust, my great army which I sent among you." God will fill you up and restore you so you can finish the race strong. When Jesus is in the lead of your life, you will always finish in victory lane. Every winning driver must drive to victory lane so he can officially be declared the winner. In victory lane he receive his prize, the trophy, money and congratulations from his team and well wishers. When God is the leader in the race of our lives, he will always put us in victory lane. When we trust Him with our lives, he will give us victory in our lives. 1 John 5:4 "For whatever is born of God overcometh the world; and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith." He gives us the victory to win the race every time.  The victory is always yours. But the glory for your victory must go to Him. Now this is where we must stay out of trouble. The victory and benefits of the victory belong to you. But the glory and praise belongs to Him. Wherever I pray for victory in an area of my life, I always ask Him for the victory and the benefit, but proclaim that he get all the praise and glory. When he gets the praise and the glory, people will be drawn to Him and not me. Our victory serves as a witness of His goodness. 2 Corinthains 2:14 "But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Chirst's victory] and though us spread and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere."  When people see you winning every race in life, and doing it with God leading you all the way, they will want what you've got. And when they come to you, you can share with them about Jesus, WHO"S IN THE LEAD OF YOUR LIFE! God loves you and so do I.  Please read, meditate and pray these scriptures: Gensis 28:20-22, Romans 8:14, Psalm 23:2-3, Isaiah 48:17 and John 16:13.

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